Installing Weblabs

Getting started with Weblabs

Using NPM

Now that you actually want to install Weblabs, it's actually very easy, so easy that we did not have to create any CLI tool.

Weblabs does not uses any pre-processor libraries, though you can use SASS or LESS if you want, and that are just some optional cases. Weblabs as of now supports only front-end and I am hoping to build SSR soon too, but till then, we will be using Vite to create our app.

As you expect, simply open your terminal and create a new vite project on vanilla settings

$ npm create vite@latest

You can use either typescript of javascript, weblabs supports both

Now that you have created your project, let's switch to the project directory and install the weblabs npm package

$ npm i @weblabsjs/core

Using CDN

Weblabs is available as a very lightweight (9 KB) CDN which is as small as it can be. It can be used alongside other frameworks or purely inside of HTML by adding it as a script, hence not requiring the NPM.

<script src="" defer></script>

And you are done! Now you can use Weblabs as much as you want wherever you want with all the features of any modern front-end framework like react or angular

Last updated

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